Tuesday, June 5, 2012


AIDS results from HIV virus. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It causes weakness in the body which ultimately leads to complete deterioration of the body. Thus AIDS is the most serious stage of HIV infection where complete destruction of immune system occurs. Immune system cacts as the defense system in a human body. Immune system cells protect human body from infection and diseases. HIV attacks these cells which leaves human body weak. HIV virus prefers to attack helper T cells of immune system.  HIV virus causes the viral membrane to fuse with the host cells membrane by attacking CDA protein molecules which appear on the surface of the helper T cell. The common symptoms of HIV infection are rapid weight loss, dry cough, profuse night sweats, profound and unexpected fatigue, pneumonia, diarrhea, swollen lymph glands, memory loss, depression and different coloured skin blotches. The transmission of HIV virus occurs through body fluids. This can happen via anus or rectum, vagina, penis, mouth, cuts and sores. 

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