The word environment is derived from French with meaning surroundings. Environment is a combination of all those areas which affects the safety of living organisms. The four segments which make environment are atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Environment is actually a study which deals with earth, air, water and other living organisms and their mutual relationships. Atmosphere is spread over 500 km from the surface of the earth. It is a layer of gases retained by earth’s gravity. The atmosphere absorbs solar energy and recycles water and other chemicals, and then works with the electrical and magnetic forces to provide phenomenon of weather and climate. The different atmospheric layers are troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere and ionosphere. Hydrosphere covers about 70% of the surface of the earth and is composed of all the waters on or near the earth. Lithosphere is earth’s crust made up of rocks, minerals and soil. Biosphere is composed of all living organisms.
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