Saturday, April 12, 2008


The history of medical sciences in India takes us back to remote antiquity. Medical sciences are as old as the Vedas. It was based on the practical experience and careful methods of investigation pursued by the sages in the old days.
Among the four Vedas, Atharva veda has the maximum verses on medical knowledge. The Rig veda, the oldest of the Vedas, contains lot of verses on medical sciences whereas Yajur veda has very little about this science.
Surgery in Ayurveda
Surgery had advanced a great deal in ancient India. Many complicated procedures were used at that time. Plastic operations are characteristic of Indian medicine, which did not come to use in the rest of the world until the late medieval period. They performed couching for cataract, amputation of limbs, removal of fistulas and piles, curetting of uterus, removing tumors from vagina, plastic repair of ear lobes and nose which were used to be cut as punishment for various crimes and even intracranial surgeries. Surgical instruments were made of good quality steel. There are mentions about anesthesia also. A drug names sammohini was used as anesthetic and after operation another drug sanjeevini was given to restore consciousness. Ancient Indians had a fairly good knowledge of anatomy of human body. Dissection was practiced at that time. Susruta has given very elaborate instruction for preparing the human body for dissection.

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